Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

Speech Entitled "Moral Education for Indonesia”

Assalammualaikum Wr Wb.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen
First of all, let us pray gratitude to the Almighty who has given grace and guidense us all so that we can meet on this beautiful day. I am grateful for the opportunity given to me to deliver a speech entitled "Moral Education for Indonesia”

My beloved friends,
Moral education is a scorge that should be taught to the current generation. How not, on social media or television violence cases often encountered sometimes even not a few people witnessed the violence directly. Unfortunately, this moral education which should be a primary education in the formal school level, it is often overlooked. Teachers are only required to make their students become proficient. the teacher only focused on every subject that they convey. This is very unfortunate given cases sometimes occur in schools as not to make the correction for teachers. The school only provides the facility through on counseling teachers on duty reprimanding attitudes. Schools may assume that this facility is sufficient to meet the needs of students with problems. However, the teachers forget that cases of students actually happened can be overcome so that the case does not need to happen. It certainly can be used as a correction of the importance of moral education.

For the younger generation, do not be tired of reaching ideals. Keep trying, studious, and not give up. Always respect parents, teachers, and dear fellow. One thing is for sure avoid clutter, get rid of bad behavior, waged unity, and keep the good name of our country Indonesia.
So a few words I can say, thank you.
Wassalammualaikum Wr Wb.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

your top recommendations for things to do in your town

I think to a stranger for the first time to pontianak I recommend to come to the place where the historic, tourist and culinary pontianak, for example:
  • Palace Sultanate KADARIYAH PONTIANAK

This palace is a relic of the empire founded by Sultanate Pontianak Syarif Abdurrahman on 14 Rejab 1185 H simultaneously October 23 1771M and is located 4 km from the city center and is located in Kampong In Bugis, District East Pontianak. This palace still store various relics such as Singahsana, glass broken thousand, Quran handwritten and salasilah Sultan Pontianak descendant of the first sultan, Sultan Syarif Abddurahman Alkadrie up to the eighth sultan, Sultan Syarif Hamid Alkadrie who ruled in 1945.
At the front, middle, and the left front of the palace visitor can see ancient cannons made in French and Portuguese. From here, visitor can also see the pavilion, a room that jutted forward Sultan formerly used as a resting place or to simply enjoy the scenic beauty of the Kapuas River and River Porcupine.
Still in this room, visitors can also see a bell, an instrument that had been used for a marker of their distress. In the main hall of the palace is also contained a antique mirror from French which the local people called "glass thousand" .Keraton Kadriah also still has a collection of historic objects that fairly complete such as of jewelry used hereditary , ancient objects, glassware ,family photos sultan and arca-arca.
  • Equator Monument

Equator Monument situated at Jalan Equator, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. There are only 12 countries in the world which is crossed by the equator. But there is only one city that exactly separates the northern and southern hemisphere, namely Pontianak. History all began in 1928, when a group of Dutch international expedition arrived in Pontianak. Their aim is to establish the equator point in the city. In the same year, built Equator Monument that shaped milestones and arrows on it. In 1930, the monument enhanced by the addition of a circle at the top of the monument. Eight years later, The monument back is refined by using a wooden purchase (typical of West Kalimantan iron wood). The high was 4.4 meter.Tahun 1990, made the dome and duplicate monument measuring 5 times larger than the original. Both of these monuments, both native and monuments, have writing plat under the arrows shows the location of the Equator Monument at longitude east. Monument Equator Monument inaugurated by the Governor of West Kalimantan is Parjoko Suryokusumo on 21 September 1991. Now, Equator Monument complex is protected by Article 26 of Law No. 5 of 1992 on Heritage Objects.
Each date is March 21 to 23 and 21 to 23 September, the Equator monument became the location of the Sun culmination Day. The culmination point is the point where the sun is directly above the equator. When this natural phenomenon takes place, the shadow of the monument will be 'disappeared' for a few seconds though buffeted direct sunlight.
  •  Pontianak also known as culinary attractions. Diversity food makes Pontianak as a culinary paradise. The food was well-known among other things:

Air Tofu and Kembang Know, Bakcang, meatbun, porridge Spicy, Chai Kwe, Hekeng, Hu Ju, Ie or Jan or dumplings, fish spicy sour (sour fish spicy evenly wearing a river fish), Kaloci or cake mochi, Keladi, Kengci Shahe, Ki Cang, Kuan Chiang, the Moon or Gwek Pia, Kwe Cap, Kwe Kia Theng, Shahe, lemang, Lempok Durian, Drinks Aloe Vera, Rice curry, Chicken Rice, Nasi Capcai, Pacri pineapple, preserved fish, Peng Kang, Pindang , PWE Ki Mue or air porridge, condiment fried Tempoyak, Tau Swan, Sio Bi, Cuttlefish Pangkong, Tun Koi, Yam Mie.

And there are many more places that can be visited and cuisine that can be tasted

a letter to your younger self and 10-years-later self

From the beginning until now arguably lazy nature still exist, although not lazy really. Life struggles that I went through was not easy so I could be like now. It has not been entirely successful because it was in college. I mean can go to school to college an achievement that became the initial round me toward my goals. My parents always hoped I should go to college. And now that desire realized I can go to college and hopefully I can finish college with good results. I want to study earnestly studying the skies. Get a satisfactory value. always be able to move well. Everyone certainly want to be successful, so it is with me. Maybe this will be my success achieved by the first lecture in UNTAN, to get qualified skills. Success that I want to achieve in the near term are successful in obtaining value - value both inside or outside the lecture, and can quickly pass easily and smoothly and get good GPA. So I can find a job or start their own independent business for success in want. After the success I want the happy parents. Because everyone wants to succeed then try and pray that you succeed in the world and in the hereafter.
10 years later
Certainly I've had success. Both my parents are healthy so she could see and feel the success of his son. I already have a permanent job or already have business own. I've ascend umroh or haji my parents. I became an exemplary teacher for my students. boast the parents and the state. I hope I'm done s2 and is continuing s3.
"Do not ever stop to give thanks, because God never stops giving delectation ; always think positive, and always forgive either to others or yourself "

it's your last meal on earth - what do you choose?

choose a last meal I ate on earth. hm .. I think sushi, sushi one food that has a confusing concept, by eating raw fish that sounds scary. Japanese food consisting of rice formed with toppings (neta) form seafood, meats, vegetables, raw or cooked. The sushi rice has a tender taste of acid to mix seasoned rice vinegar, salt, and sugar. This food is low in fat but high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and omega acids. Many questions about this Japanese food.
What is less healthy in sushi?
One of the factors that are considered as sushi drawback is salinity. But it did not. Use of shoyu or soy sauce as sushi dyes can increase the levels of salt in the body. Two to three tablespoons shoyu estimated to contain 1 gram of salt. While the maximum daily salt intake of 6 grams. So, as long as it is not consumed in excess, shoyu still quite safe.
Is sushi can make fat?
The rice used for sushi does contain carbohydrates. But sushi is processed using vinegar that inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates. The spices used in sushi, for example, spicy wasabi and chili powder also helps to increase metabolism. So there is a balance while eating sushi.
Sushi = healthy?
No, Sushi does have a high protein content. But only eat sushi alone will not make us live a healthy life. we still have to eat other foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
There are positives negatives regarding sushi.Kalau thought I had to eat sushi last time it did not matter because I do not like sushi

Rabu, 30 November 2016

your karaoke song of choice and why

karaoke songs of my choice "all of me" because,
All of Me is a love song that actually has material that cliche, but in the hands of John Legend, he change shapes into a song that is very provocative. Although only with piano, John Legend successfully performing a song that has a strong dynamics. Melody sounded so sweet in the ears, while singing John Legend sounded so emotional, had successfully fused with the piano into a unity. the ability to influence the listener not only to enjoy, but to permeate every line of lyrics. Collaboration between music and vocals is what makes All of Me could be a song that is very immersive. Perhaps the background of writing All of Me could be a kind of basis why this song was so immersive. Dedicated to his fiancee at the time, Chrissy Teigen, which has now become his wife, it is not surprising that the feeling of love poured perfectly in the song. Solid proof of the power of love!

The poetry is so deep, especially the chorus and as revealing how a man so in love with his partner who is now his wife. Feel song imprinted there how John loves all that is in her. Any man in the world is supposed to accept anything that is in his or her spouse for admission sign a sincere relationship although the journey maybe there are things that should be fixed. Inner beauty of a wife is the thing that makes the husband was hooked, so we as women should be smart sharpen the feeling that the couple is able to 'digest' how we feel him. Each fragment of this song, I try to understand that every woman must have had its own charm in the eyes of men. Imperfections are erased by feelings of sincere love because if someone tries wholeheartedly cherish the negative side slowly erodes. Although the man saw him crying or pouting, still he looks alluring and beautiful in his eyes. The feeling of love is a gift to every human couple. This feeling will be maintained if each individual continues to learn to understand the meaning of love for life's journey together.

synonyms of verbs and adverbs

grammar: synonyms of verbs and adverbs for academic english

1. verbs

  • obliterate => destroyed (melenyapkan => hancur)
  • severed => cut (terputus => memotong)
  • conceive => create (menciptakan sesuatu => membuat)
  • tolerate => allow (memberikan toleransi => mengizinkan)
  • ingest => consume (menelan => memakan)
  • pacify => calm{down} (menenangkan => tenang)
  • calibrate=> adjust (menyesuaikan)
  • magnify => enlarge (memperbesar)
  • incentivize => support (memberikan dorongan => mendukung)
  • speculate => theorize (berspekulasi => berteori)
  • levitate => float (mengapung)
  • illustrate => exemplify (menggambarkan => memberikan contoh)
  • elucidate => clarify (membentangkan/menjelaskan)
  • impede => interfere (menghambat => mengganggu)
  • advocate => motivate (pembela => motivasi)
2. adverbs

  • methodically => systematically (sesuai metodenya => secara sistematis)
  • begrudgingly => resentfully (dengan cara yang iri/enggan => marah/benci)
  • amicably => quietly (secara damai => diam-diam)
  • fiercely => severely (dengan ganas => masing-masing)
  • unintelligibly => unclearly (dalam cara yang dimengerti => belum jelas)
  • sporadically => occasionally (dengan sesekali => kadang-kadang)
  • unequivocally => indisputably (dengan tegas => tidak dapat dibantah lagi/disangkal)
  • zealously => eagerly (dengan rajin => dengan tak sabar)
  • laboriously => painfully (dengan kerja keras => dengan penuh rasa sakit)
  • earnestly => decisively (dengan jelas)
  • indisputably => indisputably (tidak dapat dibantah lagi/disangkal)
  • definitively => absolutely (pasti => sama sekali betul/benar memang)
  • faintly => weakly (dengan lemah)
  • discreetly => privately (dengan hati-hati => pribadi)